How do I add monetary values to choices in my registration form?

Enabling the Fee Calculator

To begin adding a monetary value to any choices in your event registration form, you must first enable the 'Fee Calculator' in your Event Settings - this can be done when creating an event or during editing. Simply click the checkbox provided, choose your currency and then hit Save. You will now be able to assign monetary values to any choices created on fields in your form!

Adding monetary values to 'Choices' in your event form

To begin adding monetary values to 'Choices' in your event form, enter the form editor for your event by clicking on the 'Edit Event Form' tile on your Event Dashboard. Once you have arrived in this area, select the field you wish to monetize - when monetizing fields with 'Choices' using the 'Fee Calculator' feature, they should have their data type set to 'Text'. However, they can have either dropdown or radio buttons set as their form 'widget'.

In the example above we have selected the field 'Preferred Room Type'. Scroll down and open up the 'Choices' area at the bottom right of the page.

When you open the 'Choices' menu, you will find an extra field available on each 'Choice' - this will have the words 'Price in' followed by the unit of currency you wish to apply to the choice in your registration form. Enter your choice 'Label' and 'Stored Value' in the fields provided, followed by the amount you wish to to add. Do not add a denomination in this field ($/£/€), this is not required as it has already been set in your Event Settings area. When you have finished adding all your choices to the field, click 'Save' to store your values.

When viewed by on the registration form by an attendee, choices available will show the amount to collected adjacent to each listing - this is done automatically by the Fee Calculator for you.

When the attendee selects fields with monetary values assigned and completes a registration, upon viewing the attendee's registration 'show' page, you will now see a new section - 'Event Costs'. This is visible to both Event Admins viewing a registration and the attendee when they choose to view their completed form. This section breaks down event cost for the attendee by 'Item' and 'Price', allowing you to clearly see each selection the attendee has made.

As an attendee, once you have selected choices on fields with monetary values assigned to them and completed your registration, you cannot make any amendments to these choices (the option is greyed-out as shown above). However, if an attendee requires a choice to be amended, an Event Admin can make these amendments for them by selecting to edit the attendee's registration.

Adding monetary values to 'boolean' fields in your event form

To begin adding monetary values to a 'boolean' field in your event form, enter the form editor for your event by clicking on the 'Edit Event Form' tile on your Event Dashboard. Once you have arrived in this area, select the field you wish to monetize - at this point please ensure the field you selected has it's data type set to 'boolean'. This will make a 'checkbox' appear on the field in your event registration form.

In the example above we have selected the field 'Would you like to book this?'. Scroll down and open up the 'Price' area at the bottom right of the page.

When you open the 'Price' area, you will see a new field available titled 'Price to attendee when selected' on it. Enter the monetary amount you wish to to apply to this field when it is selected by an attendee on your registration form. Do not add a denomination in this field ($/£/€), this is not required as it has already been set in your Event Settings area. When you have finished adding your amount to the field, click 'Save' to store your data.

Once saved, the boolean field will then appear on your registration form with a monetary value. This can easily be identified as you will see the total revenue applied to the field displayed in brackets at the end of the field label (as indicated in the screenshot above).