How do I set my event running dates and registration deadlines?
When setting up your events, you have a number of fields available in regards to running dates and deadlines. These fields are mandatory, and will ensure that your registration flow runs smoothly throughout the course of your event. These fields can also be amended at any point, which allows a degree of flexibility in regards to changes within your event timeline. The options available are as follows:
- Start/End Date: These are the dates that your event will be running between, and will be displayed on your event microsite and registration areas
- Registration Opens: This field sets the date in your microsite that attendees are able to begin registering for your event. The ability to register will be available for attendees from 12 am of the date specified.
- Registrations Freeze: This field sets a date within your event that disables the ability for attendees to amend their registration form. The registration 'freeze' will start from 12 am of the date specified.
The following 2 fields do not both have to be completed together when creating an event. Both offer the same functionality but display different wording within your microsite - it is mandatory that one of these fields should be completed before your event can be created.
- Registration By: This field denotes when registrations must be submitted by within the event microsite. Attendees will have until 12 am of the date specified to submit their registration, following this date the ability will no longer be available.
- Registration Closes: This field also denotes when registrations must be submitted by within the event microsite. Attendees will have until 12 am (Pacific time) of the date specified to submit their registration, following this date the ability will no longer be available.