How do I view and create reports for my event?

As an Event User, you have the ability to create, view and download custom reports based on registrations made specifically for your events. Only Admin Event Users can create Reports for an event - as a Regular Event User, you only have the ability to view Reports created for your event, and these are specified in your permissions by an Admin Event User.

To create or view a report, you must first enter the 'Reports' area - this can be done by selecting the 'Reports' tile from your Event Dashboard or clicking on the 'Reports' option displayed at the top of the page. Note that the 'Reports' tile also displays a counter showing how many reports are currently available to you within your current event.

Once you have entered the 'Reports' area, you will see an index of all reports that have been created for your event - as any Event User role, you can view a report by clicking the 'View' button displayed inline with the report you wish to view, or download a copy of a report by clicking the inline 'Download XLSX'/'Download CSV' option according to your preferred format.

As an Admin Event User, you will see additional options available - the most obvious one being the 'Create New Report' option. By clicking this, you will be taken to a new page and be asked to create a name for your new report - this is what will be displayed when viewing the 'Reports' index and when setting reports permissions for Regular Event Users. Below this you will see a list of all sections and fields available on your event's registration form - by clicking the checkbox displayed to the left of a field, all attendee information registered for this field will be displayed on your report when saved. If you wish to gather all attendee information for a specific section of your event's registration form, click the 'Select All' checkbox displayed to the right of the section title - this will add all fields within the section to your report when saved. 

At the bottom of the 'Create Report' form you will see two sections that are not part of your event's registration form - 'Rooming Lists' and 'Registration Metadata'. 'Rooming Lists' allows you to view the total range and number of nights required to be booked for your event for each individual attendee. The fields in the 'Registration Metadata' section allow you to track when an attendee registered for your event and also when they have made any updates to their registration form.

Once you are ready to save your new report, click the 'Create Report' button at the bottom of the page. You will be taken directly to your new report, and can return to the 'Reports' area by clicking on the blue 'Reports' option displayed on your report title. You can also filter your report columns by entering a search word into the 'Filter' row of a column you wish to filter. 

As an Admin Event User, if you wish to edit or delete a report, simply enter the 'Reports' area and click on the 'Edit' or 'Delete' options (depending on the action you wish to perform) - selecting 'Edit' will allow you to amend the report 'Name' and select/de-select any fields to be added/removed from the report. 'Delete' will ask you to confirm the action in a pop-up window, and once you select 'Yes' the report will be destroyed and inaccessible to all Event Users.

Viewing Revenue in a Report

When the 'Fee Calculator' option has been selected on your event settings, you can assign monetary values to choices and options in your event registration form, which are then collected in a virtual 'shopping cart' for each registration. 

A breakdown of this revenue can be viewed on a Report by selecting the associated fields displayed when creating or editing a Report as demonstrated in the screenshots above. 

You can also select to add the total revenue for your event to your Report when creating or editing - this option will only be available if the 'Fee Calculator' has been enabled for your event. When selected it will display in your report as shown in the screenshot below.

Viewing 'cancelled registration' information in your reports

When an attendee cancels their registration, their registration form information is retained in your event - however, this information is excluded from reports you create by default (to ensure that you always have the corrrect information based on 'current' attendees).

If you do wish to view reports with cancelled attendee's information included, simply select the 'Include cancelled registrations in results' checkbox when creating or editing your reports. When you save your report, this information will now be available to view on your report, and can be removed by selecting to edit your report and de-selecting the 'Include cancelled registrations in results' checkbox before saving your changes.

Using 'Checkins' in your reports

When you are creating or editing a report and have created checkpoints for your event in the 'Checkins' area, you will find the 'Event Checkpoints' section displayed at the bottom of your report form. 

Selecting these an option in here will allow you to manually check in attendees to these checkpoints on your report - you can then use your report to manage checkins for multiple activities at once, and easily keep track of who has arrived or is yet to arrive. When an attendee is checked in or out using a report, this will also be reflected in the related checkpoint contained in the 'Checkins' area.

How do I set report permissions for Regular Event Users?

Once you have at least 1 report created, you can begin setting report access for any Regular Event Users within your event. To do this, you must first enter the 'Event Users' area for your event (by clicking on the tile on your Event Dashboard or the text displayed at the top of the page). Following this, scroll the page down to the 'Regular' section of the 'Event Users' index and click on the 'Edit' option displayed adjacent to the user you wish to manage - you will arrive on a new page displaying a list of all the reports available to be viewed within your event. Simply click on the checkboxes of the reports you would like them to be able to access followed by the 'Update' button, and the Event User will now be able to view and download any reports you have permitted them to interact with.