How do I start building my registration form?

To begin building your Event Registration Form, enter your Event Dashboard and click on the 'Edit Event Form' tile - this will take you directly to the form editor. 

If you are yet to set up your event registration form, you will see a single page with the title 'Your Information' and the fields 'First Name' and 'Last Name' already pre-populated for you. To begin editing any of these, click on the relevant page/field on the center of the page and the options available to be edited for the page/field will be displayed on the column to the right of the page.

If you wish to remove this page and start again, click on page title ('Your Information') in the center section of the page and then click on the 'Delete' option displayed on the right side of the page - this will remove the current page and any fields within.

You can continue to build your form using the following options:

  • Pages - Add a Page by clicking on the appropriate word (left column).
  • Add/Edit Sections / Fields / Info Section / Page by clicking on the appropriate word (right column).
  • Add Accommodation Section - this is a section that we have pre-populated for you to gather accommodation information so you don’t have to build out numerous fields.

You have the ability to drag and drop sections throughout the form, allowing you to re-order the sequence of items at any time. When you add a new section to a page, it will automatically appear at the bottom - just scroll down and drag it to the position you need it to be... just remember to click on “Save” when you’re happy with the order!


The Event Form Editor allows you to Reset, Save and Preview any changes you make to your registration form - these options are available at the top of the editing area at all times. It is worth making a mental note to Save as often as possible (by clicking the 'Save' button) as there is no automatic saving in place, and if you forget to save you could easily lose your work!