How do I use event ticketing?

If you have configured your Event Form to use 'Tracks', then you can create Event Tickets, too.

When creating or editing a track, you can see the 'Track Tickets' section. See an example set of tickets below:

An event ticket is simply a price that you want to charge for a given track, the number of tickets available, and the dates you want the ticket to be available between. Using tickets, you can create multiple prices for a single track. For example, the screenshot above shows a track for "Members" that has pricing options for Early Bird, Late Minute, etc.

Which tickets will my attendees see when they register?

Once you have configured the tickets for a track, Attendees will always be shown the cheapest price available when they attempt to register. The system is smart enough to make sure that a given ticket has sold out, or is no longer available, Attendees will not be able to register for it.

Using the ticket feature, there is no need to configure multiple tracks to reflect different pricing options. There is no need to micro-manage what prices are available on what days, by making edits to your registration site. Just setup the ticket availability when you create your registration form, and the system will handle the rest as your attendees getregistered!

Can I register an Attendee for a ticket-type that is no longer available?

Yes, you can. As an admin you have the ability to create a registration against any available ticket you have configured, even if the date or availability has passed.

When exactly does a ticket become 'sold'?

For tickets with quantity or time limited availability, there is an hour grace period to complete registration. If a ticket or registration has to have a payment made against it, the ticket availability will not be confirmed until payment has been received. If a ticket booking has expired, the attendee has the option to either complete their registration with the cheapest currently available ticket price, or to cancel and restart their registration and start again at the track selection screen.

Note that this does not mean all registrants only have one hour to complete registration after starting. This limit only comes into play if the capacity or availability limits are breached at the time of confirmation.

For group bookings, all ticket validity is checked at the time of confirmation and if any bookings are invalid then these can be corrected from the registration confirmation screen.